Photo Credit: Green Foothills
Sometime in 2021, my guides started to chime in telling me that I needed to work with Mother Earth on healing traumas embedded in land, and help repair the human connection with it. In 2020, the guides had similarly told me that I would be leading groups in meditation to help calm the anxious and panic-driven energies generated due to the pandemic. That actually happened so when they told me I would be doing land healing, I opened myself up to the Universe to provide opportunities and the downloads on the healing process involved.
One of the many opportunities that started to show up, was the work with a local climate advocacy group, Green Foothills. The organization approached me and fellow healer and dear Soul Sister, Amari Thomas, to lead hiking trips. The hikes would involve healing and connecting deeply to the land around the San Francisco Bay Area. We both got excited at this opportunity and teamed up to take on this beautiful work.
Green Foothills named this special initiative, Healing in Nature. We were tasked with leading 6 hikes at various times during the year to pristine and protected nature preserves around the Bay area. Many of these spots had been saved from the greedy hands of developers who did not care about its beauty or the environmental impact. We did a scouting trip days in advance of each hike and carried our handy tools with us. Our tools such as a pendulum, a bottle of water, and a keen intuition, all of which helped us connect to the area and figure out a specific process and the exact flow for each event.
While planning these hikes, I have experienced a deep one-ness with Mother Earth, with nature, and fellow collaborators. The keepers and protectors in spirit, of each nature preserve have connected with me and welcomed me into their sacred space, allowing me to honor them and experience their warmth and love. Words don’t suffice for the deep gratitude and honor I feel on doing this healing work.
Every hike, the dedicated and hardworking Green Foothills staff has joined us along with 40-50 excited hikers. They carry water and healthy snacks for the group. A seasoned nature enthusiast and lead docent, Craige Edgerton, shares his vast knowledge on the bird, animal and plant life of each area we cover. Amari and I lead the group in meditation, art-making and connecting to the spirit of the land we are hiking. Each time, when we pour love into the land, the land returns that love multifold. We come back from the hikes feeling refreshed and excited for the next one. The more I connect to nature through these hikes, the more one-ness I feel with all there is. I feel a deep healing, a cleansing, a regeneration of fresh energy in my whole being. This is the gift of nature which Mother Earth gives us when we connect with her in a deep, loving way.
The final two hikes of the year are coming up soon. If you are reading this and are a local, please join us. The hikes are free. If you do join, please consider donating to Green Foothills so they can continue doing their climate and nature advocacy work. On every hike, we realize how much we need these beautiful nature spaces, to get away from the madding crowds, the mindless chatter, and the busy human worlds. Here, in nature’s arms, we experience true peace, love and compassion. We experience the unconditional love and warmth of our Mother, who nurtures and nourishes each and every living being. My heart is filled with wonder and gratitude.
Please find below the information on the Healing in Nature series. Registration is required for each hike. I look forward to seeing some of you join me for the last two hikes of this year!
Donate to Green Foothills: https://www.greenfoothills.org/donate/
With love and blessings,